


Produced by Lastor Media

Directed by Elena Martin.

Elena Martín , Oriol Puig , Laura Weissmahr , Jakob Daprile , Remi Pradere , Julius Ferdinand , Paula Knüpling , Carla Linares , Pablo Macho , Max Grosse

Pompeu Fabra University Thesis Film Project supported by Universität der Künste Berlin, Fundación SGAE and mentored by Mar Coll, Javier Rebollo, Elías Seminiani, Isaki Lacuesta and Gonzalo de Lucas.

Filmed between Berlin and Barcelona, tells the story of Julia, a 21-year-old architecture student from Barcelona. Until she travels to Berlin for an Erasmus exchange, the future seemed to be clear for her. There she realizes that she doesn’t know herself as well as she thought and also that she just doesn’t know what she wants anymore. In the middle of this loneliness, she will have to face the challenge of setting up a life and fighting against the feeling of emptiness, in a completely new environment, in a city full of people, under the shine of another sun.